天津大学 马宗青教授


马宗青,男,天津大学材料科学与工程学院教授,博士生导师,国家优秀青年科学基金获得者。主要从事金属材料粉体制备及其3D打印成形的研究工作。以第一或通讯作者在Nat. Commun.、Acta Mater.、Addit. Manuf.、Scripta Mater.、等期刊发表SCI论文110余篇,其中ESI热点论文1篇,ESI高被引论文8篇,SCI引用4800余次,H因子38,获授权国家发明专利53件,其中第一发明人33件。承担了国家优秀青年科学基金项目、国家自然科学基金联合重点项目、国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目、天津市自然科学基金面上项目等国家和省部级项目10余项,企业横向课题12项。作为骨干成员参与了国家863计划1项、科技部ITER专项1项、天津市重点研发计划项目2项。

曾获澳大利亚Discovery Early Career Researcher Award、中国材料研究学会科学技术二等奖、天津市优秀博士学位论文奖、天津大学“卓荦计划”科技领军创新人才、天津大学青年科学奖等学术奖励,获Materials Research Letters期刊“突出贡献奖”和“青年新锐奖”、Journal of Materials Science & Technology和Tungsten期刊优秀论文奖。担任天津市增材粉体新材料企业重点实验室学术委员会主任、中国金属学会理事、中国材料研究学会难熔金属分会副主任委员、中国材料研究学会增材制造材料分会委员、天津市金属学会常务理事、Journal of Materials Processing Technology副主编、Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) 编委、《材料开发与应用》编委、金属学报青年编委、Materials Research Letters青年编委等学术职务。





[1]        Dong Z, Ma ZQ*, Yu LM, Liu YC*, Achieving high strength and ductility in ODS-W alloy by employing oxide@W core-shell nanopowder as precursor. Nat. Commun. 12 (2021) 5052
[2]        Zhao YN, Ma ZQ*, Yu LM, Liu YC, New alloy design approach to inhibiting hot cracking in laser additive manufactured nickel-based superalloys. Acta Mater. 247 (2023) 118736(ESI高被引论文)
[3]        Dong Z, Ma ZQ*, Liu YC, Accelerated sintering of high-performance oxide dispersion strengthened alloy at low temperature. Acta Mater. 220 (2021) 117309
[4]        Zhao YN, Ma T, Gao ZJ, Feng YY, Li C, Guo QY, Ma ZQ*, Liu YC, Significant reduction of grain size and texture intensity in laser powder bed fusion fabricated nickel-based superalloy by increasing constitutional supercooling. Compos. Part B 266 (2023)111040
[5]        Zhao YN, Guo QY, Li C, Yang ZW, Zhang JF, Huang Y, Ma ZQ*, Liu YC, Achieving superior elevated temperature properties in additive manufactured nickel-based superalloys through unique alloy design. Addit. Manuf. 88 (2024) 104273
[6]        Hu ZP, Liu Y, Wu J, Dong J, Ma ZQ*, Liu YC, The simultaneous improvement of strength and ductility of the 93W-4.6Ni-2.4Fe prepared by additive manufacturing via optimizing sintering post-treatment. Addit. Manuf. 46 (2021) 102216
[7]        Hu ZP, Zhao YN, Guan K, Wang ZM, Ma ZQ*, Pure tungsten and oxide dispersion strengthened tungsten manufactured by selective laser melting: microstructure and cracking mechanism. Addit. Manuf. 36 (2020) 101579
[8]        Dong Z, Ma ZQ*, Yu LM, Liu YC, Enhanced mechanical properties in oxide dispersion strengthened alloys achieved via interface segregation of cation dopants. Sci. China Mater.  64 (2021) 987–998
[9]        Li LL, Dong Z*, Ma ZQ*, Liu CX, Yu LM, Liu YC, Ultrahigh strength and toughness in W-Y2O3 alloy with bimodal and lamellar structures. Mater. Res. Lett. 11 (2023) 439-445.
[10]        Hu WQ, Dong Z, Yu LM, Ma ZQ*, Liu YC, Synthesis of W-Y2O3 alloys by freeze-drying and subsequent low temperature sintering: microstructure refinement and second phase particles regulation, J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 36 (2020) 84-90.(期刊封面论文,ESI热点论文、期刊优秀论文)
[11]        Dong Z, Liu N, Hu WQ, Ma ZQ*, Li C, Liu CX, Guo QY, Liu YC, Controlled synthesis of high-quality W-Y2O3 composite powder precursor by ascertaining the synthesis mechanism behind the wet chemical method. J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 36 (2020) 118-127.(ESI高被引论文)
[12]        Zhao YN, Ma ZQ*, Yu LM, Dong J, Liu YC, The simultaneous improvements of strength and ductility in additive manufactured Ni-based superalloy via controlling cellular subgrain microstructure. J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 68 (2021) 184-190
[13]        Cheng XP, Guo QY, Liu CX, Ma ZQ*, Simultaneous enhancement of elevated temperature strength and ductility in additive-manufactured nickel-based superalloy via doping Y2O3 nanoparticles. J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 210 (2025) 312-324.
[14]        Hu WQ, Sun T, Liu CX, Yu LM, Ahamad T, Ma ZQ*, Refined microstructure and enhanced mechanical properties in Mo-Y2O3 alloys prepared by freeze-drying method and subsequent low temperature sintering. J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 88 (2021) 36-44
[15]        Hu WQ, Li YC, Zhang W, Ma ZQ*, Feng YY, Liu CX, Li C, Yu LM, Liu YC, Excellent mechanical, thermal and electrical properties of ultrafine W-Cu alloys via freeze-drying technology. Scripta Mater. 239 (2024) 115805
[16]        Hu ZP, Ma ZQ*, Yu LM, Liu YC, Functionally graded materials with grain-size gradients and heterogeneous microstructures achieved by additive manufacturing. Scripta Mater. 226 (2023) 115197
[17]        Hu WQ, Du ZF*, Dong ZZ, Yu LM, Ahamad T, Ma ZQ*, The synthesis of TiC dispersed strengthened Mo alloy by freeze-drying technology and subsequent low temperature sintering Scripta Mater. 198 (2021) 113831
[18]        Ma QS, Lan F*, Li XH, Du ZF*, Li HJ, Ma ZQ*, The effect of S doping on the superconductivity and nematicity transition of FeSe. Scripta Mater. 176 (2020) 88–93.(ESI高被引论文)
[19]        Zhao YN, Guo QY, Du ZF*, Chen SH, Tan J, Yang ZW, Ma ZQ*, Critical role of subgrain orientation on the stability of mechanical properties of selective laser melting manufactured alloys. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 832 (2022) 142505.(ESI高被引论文)
[20]        Cheng XP, Zhao YN, Qian Z, Wu J, Dong J, Ma ZQ*, Liu YC, Crack elimination and mechanical properties enhancement in additive manufactured Hastelloy X via in-situ chemical doping of Y2O3. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 824 (2021) 141867

[1] 马宗青,刘怡汝,胡章平,杨振文,刘永长,一种可调控核反应堆压力容器用钢缺陷的增材制造方法(授权号:ZL202111083450.8)
[2] 马宗青,胡章平,赵亚楠,程晓鹏,王祖敏,刘永长,一种间接3D打印钨基合金零部件脱脂烧结方法(授权号:ZL 202010034919.8)
[3] 马宗青,胡章平,刘永长,一种增材制造用铜包覆钨球形复合粉末的制备方法 (授权号:ZL202110810454.5)
[4] 马宗青,胡章平,杨振文,刘永长,一种提高增材制造制备CuCrZr合金力学性能的方法(授权号:ZL202111110594.8)
[5] 马宗青,胡章平,杨振文,刘永长,一种提高增材制造奥氏体钢力学性能的方法(授权号:ZL202111110595.2)
[6] 马宗青,胡章平,王姿曈,一种基于纳米颗粒增材制造成形件的脱脂烧结方法(授权号:ZL202210401322.1)
[7] 马宗青,扈伟强,董智,余黎明,刘永长,一种第二相颗粒弥散钼复合粉末的冷冻干燥制备方法(授权号:ZL 202011268442.6)
[8] 马宗青,扈伟强,刘永长,一种MAX相强化的钨/钼细晶合金及其制备方法,(授权号:ZL202111030362.1)
[9] 马宗青,程晓鹏,赵亚楠,刘永长,优化增材制造GH3536镍基高温合金力学性能的热处理方法,  (授权号:ZL202110775155.2 )
[10] 马宗青,赵亚楠,程晓鹏,刘永长,消除SLM成形固溶强化型镍基合金凝固裂纹的改进方法,  (授权号:ZL202111479095.6)
[11] 马宗青, 赵亚楠,胡章平,刘永长,余黎明,李冲,刘晨曦,一种激光选区熔化成形GH4169的热处理工艺方法,  (授权号:ZL201910645644.9)
[12] 马宗青; 赵亚楠; 刘永长; 激光选区熔化成形GH4099合金构件的热处理方法,  (授权号:ZL202111310804.8)
[13] 马宗青,董智,李冲,刘永长,刘晨曦,余黎明,一种钨包覆氧化钇核壳结构的复合前驱体粉末的制备方法(授权号:ZL201911385360.7)
[14] 马宗青,胡章平,刘永长,基于激光增材制造技术制备CuCrZr/316L连接件的方法(授权号:ZL202110916046.8)
[15] 马宗青,胡章平,刘永长,基于激光增材制造技术连接CuCrZr/W异种互不固溶合金的方法(授权号:ZL202110916062.7)
[16] 马宗青,程晓鹏,赵亚楠,刘永长,减少SLM成形镍基高温合金裂纹及提升力学性能的方法(授权号:ZL202110611310.7)


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