"startGcode" / "endGcode" String.
[startGcode/endGcode]分属GCode路径中最初与最终的两个区块。如果你打算使用各别的设定,可以在此指定。假如你想要替你的机型(Replicator 2X /original Replicator)创建一个特殊的GCode档案,你需要延续著本文的指示说明,对这些档案做简易的修改。关於[start.gcode]的定义档存在你的Things资料夹内,在[profiles]资料夹裡面。
This specifies the locations of the start and end GCode files appended to the beginning and end of your toolpath. If you1re using custom start and end GCode, change the locations set here. If you are creating GCode for a Replicator 2X or an original Replicator, you will need to make some simple edits to these files. Follow the instructions in the comments of the start and end GCode files. You can find the start.gcode for any custom profile in your Things folder, under "profiles."
start.gcode 与 end.gcode 档案的存放路径
"doPrintProgress" True/False.
doPrintProgress, when true, output will include GCode commands to display build progress on the bot1s LCD panel.
"doFanCommand" True/False.
当[doFanCommand]设定為[True]的状态下,系统会在GCode中安插指令列去驱动风扇,让它在列印过程中动态的运转。这个设定是和[fanLayer]指令列有所关联的;当[doFanCommand]设定為[False]的状态下,[fanLayer]的设定将会被忽视。([active cooling fan]指的是动态侦测温度的风扇,通常低於摄氏60度以下不会主动转动)。
doFanCommand, when true, inserts a GCode command to turn on an active cooling fan during a build. The point at which this command is inserted is determined by the fanLayer setting below. When doFanCommand is set to false, the fanLayer setting will be ignored.
"fanLayer" Integer.
fanLayer determines at what layer the slicer inserts the command to turn on the active cooling fan. When doFanCommand is set to false, this setting is not used.
"defaultExtruder" Integer, [0,1].
预设喷头的选项(整数的 0 或 1)是设定机器预设状态下使用哪个喷头来列印物件。一台双喷头的机器,0 代表的是右喷头,1 代表的是左喷头。至於单喷头的机器,喷头的数值只有 0。
This setting determines which toolhead will be used to build your object. On a machine with dual extruders, 0 is the right toolhead and 1 is the left toolhead. On a machine with a single extruder, the toolhead is 0.
"commentOpen" / "commentClose" String.
不同的3D printers使用不同的字码来传递GCode。[MakerBot Slicer]预设的设定直已经对该机器做过最佳化!
Different 3D printers use different characters to indicate comments in GCode. The MakerBot Slicer1s default settings are optimized for use with MakerBot 3D printers.
"weightedFanCommand" Integer, [1, 100].
这个设定允许你去变动喷头冷却风扇的转速。MakerBot 3D printers 用户请不要变动这个设定!
Allows you to set an extruder fan speed. MakerBot 3D printers do not use this setting.
"extruderProfiles" String.
在这个参数中包含了两个数据群组,分别代表著机器的右喷头组和左喷头组。第一个区段包含的数据群组是[toolhead 0]所象徵的右喷头,第二个区段包含的数据群组是[toolhead 1]所象徵的左喷头,在每个区段都包含著下列的设定:
The two sections enclosed in braces are the extruder profiles for a right and a left extruder. The first brace-enclosed section is the profile for toolhead 0 and the second is the profile for toolhead 1. Each contains the following settings:
"firstLayerExtrusionProfile" / "insetsExtrusionProfile" /"infillsExtrusionProfile" / "outlinesExtrusionProfile"
这些选项允许你去针对机器不同的区块进行列印上的设定。这四种不同的挤出方式设定差别在[firstLayerExtrusionProfile]是针对物件的第一层、[insetsExtrusionProfile]是针对物件的薄壳做设定、[infillsExtrusionProfile]是针对物件的填充百分比,以及[outlinesExtrusionProfile]是针对物件的外框列印设定,是指一个在物体之外再附加的薄壳。由於这个选项会在列印路径的中线两侧都挤出薄薄的塑料,如此一来,物件实际挤出的大小在 X 与 Y 轴的向度,都会较原先电脑绘製的物件尺寸大上半个塑料挤出(extrusion width)的宽度。因此 Outlines 的选项通常是关闭的。
These settings allow you to specify custom settings for different sections of a print. The four kinds of extrusion differentiated here are the first layer of the object (firstLayerExtrusionProfile), the shells (insetsExtrusionProfile), the infill (infillsExtrusionProfile) and the outline (outlinesExtrusionProfile), which is an extra shell printed on the outline of your object. Since extrusions extend slightly on either side of the centerline they1re printed on, this results in an object half the extrusion width larger on the X and Y axes than the digital model it came from. Outlines are usually turned off.
假如你在列印的时候有开啟[raft]功能,[firstLayerSpeed]将会针对 raft 的底层进行指定的动作。在两个喷头的 profiles 群组裡你会看到相关列印的设定,可以在这裡创建额外的挤出设定档或是编辑现有的这些参数(feedDiameter/feedstockMultiplier....等等)。目前旧版的设定只能控制喷头运作时每秒的移动速度,也就是[feedrate]的部分;更多的控制参数将在之后的新版本补上~
If you are printing with a raft, firstLayerSpeed will be used to set the feedrate for the base layer of the raft. Below the two extruder profiles you1ll see the extrusion profiles. You can create additional extrusion profiles or edit these. Currently these contain only one setting: "feedrate" sets the rate at which the extruder moves while extruding in millimeters per second. Additional settings for the extrusion profiles will be coming soon.
"feedDiameter" Millimeters.
Specify the diameter of the filament you will be using. If this value is too low, your extruder will extrude too much plastic. If it is too high, your extruder will extrude too little.
"feedstockMultiplier" Decimal, [0,1].
塑料送进喷头与从喷嘴送出时有一个误差值,[feedstockMultiplier]就是这个补偿值的设定量,数值為介於 0 到 1 的小数。相关的因素包括塑料的密度以及塑料离模时的膨胀(die swelling)。
This number compensates for differences between the volume of plastic going into the extruder and the volume of plastic extruded from the nozzle. Factors may include filament density and die swell.
"nozzleDiameter" Millimeters.
Specify the diameter of the nozzle being used on your extruder.
"retractDistance" Millimeters.
Your extruder will retract the amount of filament specified here before travel moves, in order to prevent ooze.
"retractRate" Millimeters per second.
Sets the rate at with your extruder will pull filament in during retraction.
"restartExtraDistance" Millimeters.
This setting allows you to extrude more or less filament when your extruder restarts after retractions. A positive value will push a little bit of extra plastic out -- that1s meant to compensate for any plastic that may have dripped out during retraction, but it might cause small blobs. A negative value will push out a little bit less plastic, which should eliminate blobs completely, but might result in gaps in extrusion or small details not printing correctly.
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