2020年1月27日,南极熊注意到,TCT亚洲展主办方发布了一则消息:2020 亚洲3D打印、增材制造展览会(TCT亚洲展)延期。请各展商和观众及早做好安排,把相关的机票火车票、住宿等,先退了。
2020 亚洲3D打印、增材制造展览会 (TCT亚洲展)延期通知
亚洲3D打印、增材制造展览会 (TCT亚洲展)主办方 上海万耀科迅展览有限公司 2020年1月27日
线下展会延迟,但观众可以通过南极熊特设的●2020年上海TCT展商3D打印展览活动预告https://www.nanjixiong.com/forum-73-1.html 专栏,在线观看浏览3D打印厂商的展品。
Notice of Postponement:
TCT Asia 2020
Dear Exhibitors and Prospective Visitors,
The TCT Asia team at VNU Rapid News Ltd has been monitoring the developing pneumonia epidemic of new coronavirus infection in Wuhan, Hubei and other areas.
After studying and evaluating the announcements, guidance and news released by relevant national departments and in order to protect the health and safety of our exhibitors and visitors we are sorry to announce that TCT Asia, scheduled to be held Feb 19-21, 2020 will be postponed to a later date.
We will confirm the new dates as soon as possible after Chinese new year holidays.
Thank you for your support and participation over the past 5 years to help TCT Asia become the leading 3D printing and additive manufacturing event in China. However, at this critical moment we are primarily concerned with your health and safety. Thank you for your understanding.
We wish you all a healthy, safe and happy Spring Festival!
TCT Asia Team VNU Rapid News Ltd January 27th 2020
上一篇:德迪智能携3D打印自动化产线邀您共聚2020 TCT亚洲展下一篇:3D Systems带你重新思考数字化工厂的制造模式