Sharpen 3D Solution 是一家致力于为客户提供高品质原型产品的专业公司。由于近期业务增长,现有的建模工程师工作量剧增。为了更好的,及时的,高质量的完成客户的项目需求。我们现寻求一批优秀的3D建模工程师与我们长期合作,我们将根据你的时间情况定期发给你一些项目。由于我们客户大多都是海外客户,所以我们希望您有一定的英文基础。更多信息可联系
I've developed a circuit that clips to the back of a GoPro camera and will record GPS, yaw, acceleration and temperature. In addition it will also provide a time of day sync signal for itself and any other GoPro via wifi. It's a great little box and I'm putting together a Kickstarter campaign to see if anyone else in the world feels the same way. Currently the device is just software, a few stacked breadboards and some tape. Very unimpressive packaging. To improve the situation and look more like a real product I'm hoping you might be able to reverse engineer the LCD display that clips on to the back of a GoPro (pics attached). I've sacrificed one of these so as to see how large I can make my pcb and still keep within the compact GoPro form.
Think you can come up with a model that I could have 3D printed? Here's my wish list of parts;
- the main case which has a claw for the GoPro and a hole for the 30 pin connector to plug into the bus.
- a temporary fake plastic circuit board that would ride on molded standoffs inside the main case. This part would be unused in actual production but oh-so-necessary to REALLY know if the pcb (which would be obviously identical in size) will fit well once we start making boards and cases. There should be a place on this fake plastic circuit board to mount the 30 pin bus connector so it will poke out the back of the main case.
- a lid for the case. Something that sits flush with the inside the lip of the main case and takes the place of the LCD screen you can see in the attached pictures. Held in place with glue but the tolerances should be so good that surface tension between the lid and main case is enough to keep them together.
Sharpen 3D Solution
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