Sharpen 3D Solution 是一家致力于为客户提供高品质原型产品的专业公司。 最近有一些珠宝首饰3D建模的小型项目。现寻求优秀的3D建模工程师与我们长期合作。由于我们客户大多都是海外客户,所以我们希望您有一定的英文基础以减少我们翻译的工作量。 如有兴趣请联系:
Sharpen 3D Solution
中国上海市闸北区渝泾港路54号 电话:+86 1832 1268 329 QQ: 2731599545 QQ群:[backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.199219)]103139629
1. Ring Iwould like a ring similar to the design and dimensions of the one below: However,I would like the following inscription on the outer circumference: “33.9053°S •151.2607°E • ” (same font as the outer circumference of the ring in the abovelink i.e., roman) Onthe inner circumference, the following inscription: “Designedin Bronte” (same font as the inner circumference of the ring in the above linki.e., cursive) placed on one side of the inner circumference. “ayb”(in the same font as the image below) placed on the opposite side of the innercircumference: Pleasenote the intended material of the ring is “aged bronze”. 2. Cufflinks Iwould like a cufflink with the following top square shape and dimensions: Butinstead of “LV” could I please have the following “ayb” logo inset at thebottom right in large font with a series of ayb’s in smaller, verythin font forming the wallpaper background: Thebackground wallpaper could look like the following in terms of how the ayb’sare arranged (i.e., diagonally): Otherwise,I would like the stem and bottom rectangular shape of the cufflinks to be asfollows but with the “ayb” logo on the bottom shape centred and in the middle: Onone side of the stem of each cufflink, could I please have “• 33.9053°S •”inscribed with “• 151.2607°E •” on the other side? Pleasenote the intended material for the cufflinks is sterling silver. 3. Moneyclip Iwould like a money clip similar to the following design: Ilike the striped design along the middle but would like the ends to be filledin, instead of being hollow. Could I please have the logo “ayb” inscribed onthe longer end in the middle and centred on the outer side? On the inner sideof the longer end, could I have the words “Designed in Bronte” (same cursivefont as 1. above) inscribed? Pleasenote the intended material for the money clip is stainless steel. 4. Cardholder CouldI please have a card holder similar to the following design? However,the raised text should say “ayb” in about the same font size but located on thebottom right. Onthe opposite outer side of the cardholder, could I also please have the words“Designed in Bronte” (cursive font) inscribed on the bottom right? 1.