康奈尔大学生物工程和环境工程系终身教授, 中国科技大学生物科学本科,俄亥俄州立大学分子细胞和发育生物学博士,康奈尔大学化学工程博后。2011年晋升正教授。四次被选为对康奈尔大学顶尖本科生最有影响力的教授之一;康奈尔杰出学者奖、纽约州杰出教授奖、美国科学基金委职业奖、材料化学杂志首届编委奖、盖兹基金会全球健康临床诊断超级大挑战研究基金等。成果连续发表在近20篇Nature子刊及Science子刊上,受邀报告超过250次,2013年被同行遴选为美国医学和生物工程院(AIMBE) College Fellow。
Kate Fox
A/Prof Kate Fox of RMIT University is an experienced biomedical engineer and current discipline leader for Biomedical Engineering, Signal Processing and Embedded Systems. She has worked at the interface between engineering and medicine for over 10 years. She is a core member of RMIT’s Centre for Additive Manufacturing and CI on the ITTC (Additive Biomanufacturing). She is highly experienced in the use of 3D printing in medicine, developing novel materials for biomedical manufacturing. Kate is a current 2019-2020 Superstar of STEM.